eConnect PDU; Vertical; Switched; IEC 16A 4P+E Plug; Three Phase; 380-415V Input; 16A; (18) C13 Locking (6) C19 Locking Outlets; 230/240V Output; 3 x 2P 16A Hydraulic Magnetic Breakers; LCD; Ethernet, USB, and Environmental Sensor Ports; IP and Serial Monitoring; IP Consolidation (PDU Linking); Individual Outlet Control; Tool-less Mounting; 70.5"H (1791 mm) x 2.2"W (56 mm) x 2.2"D (56 mm)

Código L5-1W0C3
Marca CPI
Descripción eConnect PDU; Vertical; Switched; IEC 16A 4P+E Plug; Three Phase; 380-415V Input; 16A; (18) C13 Locking (6) C19 Locking Outlets; 230/240V Output; 3 x 2P 16A Hydraulic Magnetic Breakers; LCD; Ethernet, USB, and Environmental Sensor Ports; IP and Serial Monitoring; IP Consolidation (PDU Linking); Individual Outlet Control; Tool-less Mounting; 70.5"H (1791 mm) x 2.2"W (56 mm) x 2.2"D (56 mm)
Unidad PIEZA
Precio recomendado al público USD$ 2,839.50
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Última Modificación: 31-may-2021 1:03:21 AM