Switched Vertical eConnect PDUs allows on/off control of power at individual PDUs and outlets and provides continuous, automated monitoring of individual and grouped PDUs. Locking outlets provide additional stability and prevent accidental disconnections.
Key Features and Benefits
- Now available with high outlet density configurations of up to 60 outlets per PDU
- Ensures reliability within modern day data centers with high hot aisle temperatures, as a result of 149°F (65°C) ambient temperature rating
- Protects equipment from current spikes and nuisance tripping with highly reliable, heat tolerant 100% rated magnetic hydraulic breakers
- Optimizes power usage in high-density applications with continuous power monitoring at each PDU and input branch circuit with +/-1% accuracy
- Delivers proactive environmental warnings and threshold alarms with integrated temperature and humidity monitoring
- Prevents accidental disconnections through optional locking outlets, which ensure straight power cords stay securely fastened to IEC outlets
- Ensures notification of impending issues proactively through threshold settings and notifications
- Vertical PDU installs quickly with universal, tool-less mounting hardware or available shipped preinstalled in CPI cabinets
- Offers a broad range of standard configurations, combining different power inlets/plugs and outlets for configurations that match facility requirements
CPI’s Switched eConnect Power Distribution Units (PDU) provide reliable power distribution for evolving enterprise data centers, whether connecting a few pieces of equipment or supporting high-density computing. Switched Pro PDUs feature PDU monitoring, along with control of each piece of equipment in the data center. Each Switched PDU comes with the capability for remote power control, providing users with the ability to control power usage at the outlet and PDU levels. Users may turn individual outlets off and on, cycle power to outlets and attached equipment, set power cycle delays to prevent power problems and set up sequenced power-on processes. The Normally closed relay architecture used for power control ensures continual basic power distribution in the event intelligence gets compromised.
Switched PDUs also feature PDU and branch circuit monitoring of voltage, current, power (kW), and energy (kilowatt-hour) levels with a ±1% metering accuracy for each PDU in the data center. Each Switched eConnect PDU features a central LCD display, which provides detailed power usage information for that unit. Additionally, each PDU comes with the capability for remote monitoring and includes a web-based interface that provides users with the ability to monitor power usage and environmental factors at the branch circuit and PDU levels, which allows users to navigate between linked deployments and continuously log data and events. This feature also allows users to set thresholds for power, temperature and humidity limits and forwards alarm notifications via email. Switched eConnect PDU is also compatible with most third-party software that accepts SNMP traps.
Ease of Deployment
Each PDU has a built-in Ethernet connection, one external connections for two environmental probes and two connections for linking PDUs together. CPI’s Secure Array™ IP Consolidation allows the use of a single IP address for up to 32 connected PDUs, significantly reducing operating costs. In addition, CPI’s Secure Array IP Consolidation provides failover and pass- through capability for an entire array of connected PDUs. This ensures that functioning PDUs will continue to communicate in the event that a PDU in the array loses connectivity. Elevated hot aisle data center temperatures will not affect eConnect PDUs, which have been designed to withstand ambient air temperatures up to 149°F (65°C).
Vertical eConnect PDUs with IEC outlets are available with CPI’s new Click Secure Locking Outlets, which prevent accidental disconnections. This patented feature securely fastens straight equipment power cords to the PDU, protecting your power from sudden disruptions. PDUs without locking outlets are also available.
eConnect PDUs are suitable for global use. Most PDUs include an attached 10’L (3 m) power cord with an IEC or NEMA style plug rated for 100-125 Volt, 200-240 Volt or 380-415 Volt input, and some models have an IEC C20 inlet, allowing the power cords to be ordered separately to match specific site requirements.