Intelecool 3 Ton Intelecool2, right scroll compressor, no reheat, no economizer, fan cycle control, tan painted panels, supply and return grille, Voltaje, 460-3-60, Compresor, Scroll, Reheat, No, Humidificador, No, Blower Motor, 0.25 HP, Condensador, High

Código ET0367RA00T
Marca Liebert
Descripción Intelecool 3 Ton Intelecool2, right scroll compressor, no reheat, no economizer, fan cycle control, tan painted panels, supply and return grille, Voltaje, 460-3-60, Compresor, Scroll, Reheat, No, Humidificador, No, Blower Motor, 0.25 HP, Condensador, High
Unidad PIEZA
Precio recomendado al público USD$ 0.00
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Última Modificación: 30-jul-2017 8:36:43 PM