PDU, Controlled, Wedge, 200-230 Volt, 32A, Single Phase, 17" (432 mm) Long,, (24) C-13 receptacles, 200-230 Volt, 2 Magnetic Circuit Breakers, 16Amp, No Surge Protection, IEC60309 2P+E Input, Local & IP Meter, Ethernet, Serial and Environmental Sensor Interface, Port Control, Port Monitoring.

Código 35883-5B2
Marca CPI
Descripción PDU, Controlled, Wedge, 200-230 Volt, 32A, Single Phase, 17" (432 mm) Long,, (24) C-13 receptacles, 200-230 Volt, 2 Magnetic Circuit Breakers, 16Amp, No Surge Protection, IEC60309 2P+E Input, Local & IP Meter, Ethernet, Serial and Environmental Sensor Interface, Port Control, Port Monitoring.
Unidad PIEZA
Precio recomendado al público USD$ 2,469.93
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Última Modificación: 31-may-2021 1:01:48 AM